CollecTin is now Zero Rated for VAT
Free Shipping orders over £50
Buying for a large organisation? Get in touch

Contactless Fundraising Customised
- Increase your average donation and accept all payments
- Choose from SumUp, Zettle, Barclaycard, PayPal
- Each CollecTin® is customised with your Charity’s brand.
- Get maximum impact and recognition.
- Simplifies communicating contactless donations for donors.
- Hot swap-able battery boosts uptime
- Artwork templates included. Artworking Service available
- Printed and wrapped with weather proof media.
- NO Monthly Fees

Accept Chip & PIN

Swap the battery in seconds

CollecTin for Barclaycard Anywhere
*Now Zero Rated for VAT
- Add Barclaycard Anywhere Reader:
+ £29
- Transaction Fee:
- Fast Online Sign-Up
- No Monthly Fees
- Repeating Transactions
- Android app
- iOS app
*goes to Barclaycard form

CollecTin for Zettle or new PayPal Here
New for 2021
*Now Zero Rated for VAT
- Add iZettle v1 or v2 Reader:
+ £29
- Transaction Fee:
- Fast Online Sign-Up
- No Monthly Fees
- Repeating Transactions (iOS)
- Android app
- iOS app
*opens in a new window
**Contact Zettle for Charities rate
**iZettle is now Zettle and has been bought by PayPal.

CollecTin for SumUp Air
*Now Zero Rated for VAT
- Add SumUp Air Reader:
+ £29
- Transaction Fee:
- Fast Online Sign-Up
- No Monthly Fees
- Repeating Transactions
- Android app
- iOS app
*opens in a new window

CollecTin for older PayPal Here
*Now Zero Rated for VAT
- Add PayPal Here reader:
+ £45
- Transaction Fee:
- No Monthly Fees
- Fast Online Sign-Up
- Repeating Transactions
- Android app
- iOS app
*opens in a new window